Kristina Jovanović

Kristina Jovanović
By James Bontemps

I thought it would be nice to bring back my blog, and post some of my photos and thoughts, including some never published and behind-the-scenes photos. I will start off with natural beauty Kristina Jovanović from an outdoor shoot that I shot back in August 2017.

Kristina Jovanović loves nature and being close to it. Photographing her in the woods as she gets her beautiful naked body down against the earth, feeling the coolness, the damp earth and grass on her body, and becoming one with the earth was an incredibly powerful experience.

I love how free Kristina is with her body, and I felt her powerful energy as she became completely entranced and in tune with nature.

Her eyes closed and head swept back, she is completely and utterly part of the earth around her.

While most models tend to shy away from more explicit poses, by keeping their legs closed or covering themselves with their hands, Kristina does quite the opposite – looking straight into the camera with confidence, and pushing her hips forward with her legs apart, showing off her feminine power.

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– James

See more of Kristina here…

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